Lux Series Wiki

You're the Burning Shadow and he's the Darkest Star, and together, you will bring about the Brightest Night. – Jonathan Eaton, The Brightest Night

The true Trojan was the culmination of Nancy Husher's life work, the Origin project.


It was widely believed the Trojans were a new species of hybrids that had Luxen and Arum DNA. It was later revealed they were only a Daedalus experiment dubbed "Trojans", "New Hybrids" or "hybrids 2.0".

In reality, the true Trojan was Luc, also known as the Darkest Star. When he absorbed Evie's Source, she was known as the Burning Shadow. The event dubbed the Brightest Night effectively brought about Luc's transformation into a Trojan.

The transformation seemingly taking away his humanity and making him forget the love of his life, Evie Dasher.


As a Trojan, Luc is considered the most powerful being on planet Earth, and was capable of destroying the entire Zone 3 in a matter of seconds and without effort.
