Kent was a human that worked for Luc at Foretoken.
Background and History[]
Kent came from Houston, Texas. He was originally from Zone 3, he lived there until the war against the Luxen when electromagnetic pulse weapons destroyed the city. Luc saved him at some point and took him in. He would work at Foretoken and doing everything that Luc needed, he was often the person who drove them in and out when they were on missions. It was implied he was an expert in grand theft auto.
He was killed.
Physical Description[]
Kent had blue hair and a mohawk.
Evie Dasher: He was always kind, and friendly to Evie, he affectionately had many nicknames for her.
- Like the First Time
- The Darkest Star
- The Burning Shadow
- The Brightest Night (mentioned only)
- Kent loved llamas.