Lux Series Wiki

Katy Swartz is a girl that moves from Florida to West Virginia, gets involved with aliens, and turned into a hybrid.

She is the main character of the Lux series. The story is told from her point of view in the majority of the books.

Background and History[]

Katy Swartz lived in Florida with her family until her father died of cancer and, after three years, her mother decides to sell everything and move to Ketterman, Petersburg, West Virginia where Katy had to enroll in PHS for her senior year.

On her first day in the new house, Katy meets her next-door neighbors, twins Dee and Daemon. While she and Dee instantly get along, Daemon acts rude toward Katy, isn't welcoming, and makes cryptic comments about "Katy's kind". As time passes, Kat starts noticing that something is not quite right with the way Daemon, Dee and their friends are behaving, and then he saves her from an attacker.

After Daemon saves her from almost getting hit by a truck, she discovers the neighbors next door are nothing she could have ever expected; they're aliens.

Daemon tries to keep his distance from Katy, but because he's had to save her life a few times, she carries a trace of energy around her that the Arum, the Luxen's greatest enemy, can detect. Therefore, Daemon is forced to spend time with Katy and protect her from potential attacks until the effect from his trace has faded away.

Unbeknownst to either Katy or Daemon their relationship had been engineered by Daedalus as they were the ones that allowed Katy and her mom to move next door to Daemon's house which had always been forbidden secretly by the government until then.

In The Burning Shadow, Katy is pregnant with her first child with Daemon, and due any time.

In The Brightest Night, Daemon and Katy welcome their son Adam Black. Adam was born in November (4 years after the events of Opposition). It was a difficult delivery for Katy because Adam was feetfirst so there was a lot of bleeding and the umbilical cord was cramped and he was losing oxygen. Luc kept him alive using the Source while Daemon used the Source also to keep Katy alive.

In the Video Games[]

Katy Chapters Interactive Stories

Katy in the video games

In the video games Chapters Interactive Stories Katy is "Your Character", you play as Katy and are able to change her name, physical appearance, and take the decisions in the game.

Physical Description[]

Katy has mousy brown hair, pale skin, and heather grey eyes, which Daemon, upon meeting her, described her as "intelligent". In Obsidian, she mentions she has curvy hips, puffy lips, and large eyes, making her think she looks like a demented kewpie doll. In reality, though, Katy is exceptionally pretty, with big eyes , a full mouth and a curvy body - she has an air of innocence to her appearance making her seem younger than she is. One would say she is doll-like, especially considering her lack of height. According to Daemon, she seems like a vacant doll.


Katy is portrayed as a spunky teen who is just trying to get through high school. Equipped with a sharp tongue, Katy happily lobs verbal grenades at Daemon, engaging with him head-on, demonstrating her strength of character. She finds comfort in reading different books and updating her book blog, Katy's Krazy Obsession, and gardening since she finds it be calming. She cares for all of her friends and will stick up for them no matter what the circumstance. She loves her mother deeply and hates doing anything that would make her upset. She is very kind, strong, and takes care of her family and friends.


As a hybrid Katy can slow down time, stop time, and run as fast as a Luxen with training


  • Katy's Krazy Obsession: Katy's book review blog.
  • My blog is better than your vlog t-shirt.
  • Obsidian necklace: an obsidian necklace that Daemon gave to Katy.
  • DB: An alien plush that Katy got after escaping Daedalus, and named it affectionately after Daemon Black (DB).
  • Engagement ring from Daemon.


Daemon & Katy 01

Daemon Black: Katy and Daemon Black have had a slightly complicated relationship. In the beginning, Katy described Daemon as arrogant and annoying, but whenever a mental insult came about, as did a compliment. During the first few interactions between them, she would often get distracted by his looks. After a while, Katy pushes through the barrier that he puts up, and the two end up getting along. In Onyx Daemon has to prove his feelings for Katy by the end of the book they are dating. Daemon deeply loves her and he can do anything for her. In Opal they have some arguments but other than that they're fine until Katy is captured by Daedalus. By the end of Origin, they are married.

Dee Black: Katy and Dee Black have a decent relationship. They met at a grocery store, the one that Daemon told her the directions to. At first, she was helping Katy do some gardening for Katy’s backyard. They are best friends and spend most of their time together up until Adam is killed, putting a large strain on their relationship and it causes Dee to ignore her for a while. They make up after Katy is captured by Daedalus.

Simon Cutters: He asks her to the dance, and she says “yes.” She's warned by her friends that Simon is a player/womanizer. Daemon also tries to warn her about Simon but Katy is adamant she can handle him. Simon shows up at Katy's house buzzed & is extremely handsy at the dance. After the dance, Simon takes her to a field party & attempts to sexually assault her but Daemon shows up. Later at school Simon starts spreading rumors about their time at the dance & Daemon works on setting the record straight.

Blake Sanders: Aka: surfer dude. Katy's trying to avoid her feelings for Daemon so she goes on dates with Blake because she believes he's a normal human. However, after their 1st date outside the diner, a large branch breaks right above them & Katy unintentionally freezes it. During their final date, an Arum shows up at the diner which Blake kills. Afterward, Blake tells Katy that he believes she has been mutated by a Luxen & if she does not learn to control her powers she will risk exposing herself & getting captured by the DOD. He tells her he can help train her and she agrees despite Daemon's objection. During one of the training sessions Blake throws a knife at her, testing to see if she could stop the knife, Daemon flips out and Blake leaves but Katy points out that she didn't just stop the knife she froze it and insists she needs to continue training. In their final training, Blake suggests getting food and brings her outside the range of the quartzite while telling her she's still within range. On the way back he abruptly pulls over & forces Katy to fight an Arum. Katy is furious with him for almost killing her, and she regrets not listening to Daemon about not trusting Blake. Blake tries to turn her over to the DOD but it doesn't go as planned he kills Adam but Daemon and Katy let him go. He later returns in Opal and threatens to turn in Katy if her and Daemon don't help him break out his friend from one of the DOD's compounds. In Origin, she kills Blake during a stress test while held prisoner by the DOD. Blake goaded her into fighting him. She is ashamed and harbors tremendous guilt over it despite Blake's lies, blackmailing, and continuously putting her and others in danger.

Lesa/Carissa: They were Katy's best friends when she first started high school. However, throughout the series, it is suspected that Carissa has either been failed to be mutated or has been tested by Daedelus, she becomes very dangerous and tries to kill Katy. The trio girls eventually narrows down to only Lesa and Katy.




  • “I was always able to lose myself in reading. Books were a necessary escape I always gladly jumped into headfirst.” (Obsidian)
  • “Beautiful face. Beautiful body. Horrible attitude. It was the holy trinity of hot boys.” (Obsidian)
  • “Well, apologizing and not meaning it kind of defeats the purpose of apologizing.” (Obsidian)
  • “But then there’s all kinds of special now, isn’t there, Daemon.” (Obsidian)
  • "But I wasn't going to knowingly put you at risk. You mean too much to me." (Onyx)
  • "Holy alien butt crack." (Opal)
  • “Just because I’m human doesn’t mean I’m a coward or unethical. I’d never do anything that would put Dee in danger. Why would my life be more valuable than hers? Now yours…debatable. But not Dee.”(Obsidian)
  • “I hate you and your freaky alien powers” (Obsidian)
  • “Of course I want. Just make sure you get tons of popcorn and candy. Those are a requirement.”(Obsidian)
  • “No. Sorry. You have spent months being the biggest jerk to me. You don’t get to decide to like me one day and think I will forget all of that. I want someone to care for me like my dad cared for my mom. And you aren’t him.”(Obsidian)
  • “That made me happy.“You made me happy. And I still care about you. Okay? You mean something to me—something I can’t really even put into words because everything seems too lame in comparison. I’ve always wanted you, even when I hated you. I want you even though you drive me freaking insane. And I know I screwed everything up. Not just for you and me, but for Dee.”(Onyx)
  • "Us?" "I…I kind of like the of that." (Onyx)
  • “I didn’t get you up here to indulge in wild monkey lust.”(Opal)
  • “You’re going to be grateful when the zombie apocalypse occurs and I know what to do because of my zombie fetish.”(Opal)
  • “I have the feeling we just made a deal with the devil, and he’s going to come back and want our firstborn child or something.”(Opal)
  • “You should be glad I’m laughing. Because the other option is hitting you again, which is still up—” (Opal)
  • “I know this is coming from a good place, but just because it’s getting ugly, I can’t back out. And you know you’re not going to. It’s only fair.”(Opal)
  • “And glad I didn’t get eaten by a bear or coyote.”(Opal)
  • “I’ll be uncivilized with my warm coffee.”(Opal)
  • “You’d totally bond with the gremlin.”(Origin)
  • “Yeah, completely run of the mill.”(Origin)
  • “The kid’s like Damien from The Omen.”(Origin)
  • “So…so they had a baby?”(Origin)
  • “I want to vomit.”(Origin)
  • “Don’t even think about saying something dirty or trying to kiss me while you’re still in Nancy’s body.”(Origin)
  • “Okay. That was a stupid question.”(Origin)
  • “I love you. That’s never going to change.”(Origin)
  • “That’s one hell of a way to pay her back for letting us borrow it.”(Origin)
  • “I will always love you. And we are in this together. That’s never going to change. Do you understand?”(Origin)


  • Swartz is a different way of spelling the German word "Schwarz" which means black.
  • On school mornings Katy likes to eat Pop-Tarts and drink orange juice.
  • Katy has read Sweet Evil by Wendy Higgins, and made Dee read it.[1]
  • Katy takes the name of Anna Whitt, the protagonist of the Sweet Evil series for her fake ID when marrying Daemon for the first time in Origin.
  • She’s assumed to be a Sagittarius as her birthday was celebrated after Thanksgiving before December in Onyx.

