Lux Series Wiki
A screencapture of Katy's blog

Katy's Krazy Obsession is Katy's book blog.


The blog was created by Katy at some point to share her love for books with other readers around the world. As she gained more popularity she started receiving books from publishers sent to her P.O. box to review, but told Daemon that other than that she has not made any money from blogging.

Katy was able to update her blog up until she had to move with Daemon to Zone 3, as they do not have an internet connection there the blog has not been updated since.


  • Book reviews: Katy constantly updates her blog with book reviews.
  • Teaser Tuesdays: She just posts a few lines from the book she is reading at the moment.
  • In My Mailbox: She films herself talking about the books she has either bought, borrowed, or received from a publisher. Daemon has made guest appearances in some of the videos.
  • Waiting on Wednesday: Katy writes about the books she wants to read that have not been released yet.


