Lux Series Wiki

Dee Black is a Luxen, she is the sister of Dawson and Daemon Black.

Background and History[]

Dee was sent to earth with her siblings Dawson and Daemon after the destruction of their planet. His parents never made it to Earth with them, but a few others of their kind. They were raised by the government and a Luxen, Matthew. They chose their genetics by mimicking a human's DNA. She lives with his siblings and remained close to triplets Ashley, Adam, and Andrew.

Physical Description[]

"Her dark hair was curly and longer than mine, reaching her waist. She was tall, thin, and her almost perfect features held a certain innocence. She reminded me of someone, especially those startling green eyes." —Katy describing Dee's appearance[1]

Dee is described as beautiful and has a tall, thin figure, like the body of a ballerina. She has long, curly black hair that extends to her waist. Like her brothers, she has bright green eyes.


Dee has a very bubbly and bright personality. As Daemon says, "Nobody can resist my sister. She is all unicorns and puking rainbows." She loves to make new friends, but the fact that she must hide her true identity makes it difficult to do so. After losing Adam in Onyx, Dee's happiness deteriorates and she becomes upset and distant. She blamed Adam's death on Katy and spent more time with Ash instead. In Origin, her happiness and acceptance returns when she meets up with Daemon and Katy, having moved on.


  • Aura reading
  • Chronokinesis: Dee like all Luxen can bend space and time.
  • Enhanced speed: Travel using light, and move at the speed of light.
  • Fire manipulation: She can create fire, as fire does not hurt Luxen as it's part of them.
  • Healing: All Luxen have a healing property but not all are good at using this power, some can heal anything as long as it's still somewhat alive.
  • Photokinesis (light powers): Luxen can manipulate light, they become almost invisible, and dispel shadows
  • Shapeshifting: The Luxen do not actually change forms when they shape-shift, they manipulate the light and the way it refracts to produce a different image.
  • Telekinesis: Luxen can manipulate and move objects, animated or not.


  • Jetta car.


Adam Thompson: Dee had known Adam all her life, and they were destined within the Lux community to end up together and create a family, Dee at first was not keen on the idea, but gave the relationship a chance, and ended up falling in love with him. Sadly, Adam was killed by Blake Saunders, which caused Dee a personality change and she fell into depression.

Archer: Dee met Archer in Origin when Archer brought Daemon and Katy to safety. Since then, they continued to bond and they eventually developed feelings for each other. In Opposition, Archer worried about Dee when she was under Luxen control. When Dee returned to her senses, the two embraced, much to Daemon's dismay. By the end of Opposition, Archer and Dee are in a steady relationship and Dee mentions how obsessed her boyfriend is over Olive Garden.

Katy Swartz: Katy is Dee's best friend. They met at a grocery store and connected immediately. They remain close until Onyx when Adam is killed and the blame falls on Katy. It was then that their friendship was shattered. Dee pushes Katy out of her life and begins to spend more time with Ash and Andrew. She regrets pushing Katy away when she is trapped by the DOD and goes missing in Origin. By the end of Origin, they reconcile and their friendship is healed. They return to talking like best friends over boys like Archer whom she pictured naked. In Opposition when Dee is influenced by her kind, she engages in a fight with Katy. After Katy got the upper hand, she reminded Dee of the harsh and cruel past and their strong friendship. This brings Dee back to her senses and out of the Luxen's control, Dee and Katy's relationship becomes like sisters once again she was a little angry in Opposition when she discovers that Daemon and Katy married but in a teasing sense but then her relationship with Katy is like sisters.

Daemon Black: Daemon is her overprotective twin brother. Even though she can't stand his behavior at times, she loves him more than anything. She cares for his safety as he does for hers.

Dawson Black: Dawson was Dee's best friend. They used to do everything together until he was supposedly dead. At the end of Onyx, when Dawson comes home Dee cries. It is also shown during the series that Dawson loves his sister and cares about her.



"We were at Olive Garden, and by the way, thank you for talking up the endless breadsticks crap, because I think we've eaten there like ten times this month, and I'm going to start smelling like garlic." —Dee on Archer's obsession with Olive Garden, Opposition


  • Sweet Evil by Wendy Higgins is one of Dee's favorite books that Katy made her read. It was her inspiration for Katy and Daemon's new identities for getting married.[2]

