Lux Series Wiki

Ashley Black is the Origin offspring of Hybrid Bethany Williams and Luxen Dawson Black.

Background and History[]

Ashley was born into the world shortly after the events of Opposition to eager parents Beth and Dawson. As the child of a hybrid and a Luxen, she is an Origin, one of the few female Origins in existence. She is loved by her family and given a normal life.

Physical Description[]

Ashley has dark brown hair same as Bethany, which Evie says reminded her of the darkest chocolate. Her hair also has waves and curls and she has amethyst-colored eyes like all the other Origins.


Ashley is shown to be curious like all other toddlers her age. She is strong and smart because she is able to spell her own name with toy blocks at the age of 13 months. She is also able to pitch her toys across rooms and into other rooms with one throw.

She can also make people fly with her mind, and wants to learn to fly herself, but her mother cried when she tried and her father yelled so that discouraged her from further trying.

As each Origin has a special ability that defines them from other Origins, Ashley is able to just know things, such as the names of people she has never met.


  • Stuffed llama: that Luc gave to her and that she cherishes deeply and carries with her wherever she goes like a security blanket.



  • Ashley Black was named after the late Ash Thompson because she sacrificed herself to save Bethany's life while pregnant with Ashley.[1]

